Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lay Spread Out Before Me

MMMmmmm... Stuff.....
I'm stupidly excited at all of the thought, expression, and wealth of knowledge that lays in the box of the Twilight Zone that i just got... I feel as though i've unearthed some sort of artifact and can't wait to begin slowly prying into it, and getting dirt all over me.

More important note...
Ian had me record a bass line for this song he has on his mixer.
So he played it, i got a feel for the general scale and timing, and then he let me loose on it.
I played over all of it, and then we listened to it i was almost blown away.
Not so much from what i did; the bass line wasn't too complex, i could have made it more so.
What was really startling was that when Ian played it back to me i had this weird feeling like there was an invisible me playing bass in the room... Well, that's the way my right brain would describe it.
My left brain has this to say:
The sound of the bass that was recorded was easily recognized as my own.
In what i had managed to lay down there were elements that i could define as my own.
The tone, the articulate syncopation and staccato,
I had come to the realization of what MY OWN sound is; it was sitting in the air around me.
It's one thing to be told that i play bass in a very individual way
It's another thing entirely to have that fact presented to you once you are out of the creative sphere you go into when you're laying something down.

So it did make me a little sad when Ian said that we had to overwrite that bass line.
He was right though, it was too much of a choppy and complex bass line for what he had already recorded. So now the bass line on that track is far simpler and root note oriented.

But it is still tantalizing to know that i had just peaked into my own world while i was outside of it... Fuck, all i want to do now is record everything.

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