Monday, May 18, 2009

As Fast As She Can... Really Now?

Life in reverse is a little bit different... You have the chance for reflection and hindsight... You have the ability to put all of your past emotions under the light of the present.
This being the case, a happy ending should reign over the past... even when a happy ending is presented as being in the future, and right now everything is that deep blue.
At least, this is the way that perhaps it should be. I on the other hand never took any stock in this idea...
At the moment that my class presented me with the idea of a "teleological suspension of the end" (i.e. present ethics, emotions, and actions are null and void because the end is far superior) i rejected that shit. A teleological suspension of the end is a brilliant concept to introduce in a story for its characters, but an aspect that a story has over real life is that the actual "end" in a story is far more clearly defined. In real life there is only the present. In real life the only teleological suspension of the end is when you commit an act and the police have yet to catch you, or you put down the knife and sleep instead, knowing full well that you'll probly pick it right back up tomorrow.
Still, arriving at any end that is not the present moment one is in right now, presents chances for reflection; points missed before are now exposed and things can be seen under new lights. So there is definitely value for being able to keep a re-run. But as Bukowski very well knew there is also madness in it.

And all of these things are the reasons as to why that is my favorite show; it offers both points. One can have the suspension of the end, and the struggle between that makes the end worth itself. Both the madness and reflection are presented. So while your heart is broken there is still the guarantee of the forthcoming joy.
And i guess one can attribute all of that to the magic of Hollywood.
But still...

"She's coming as fast as she can."
Such a crazy thought.
But at the same time it's true.

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